
Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds
Shallow Depth of Field
Shallow Depth of Field
Brand logo
Travel Poster
Food Photography
Hockney Joiner
“World Heavyweight Title”
Toy Photography
The original method for creating tintype photos is a wet collodion process. Collodion is a syrupy solution of cellulose nitrate in ether and alcohol. In the case of tintype, the wet collodion is applied to a thin iron plate and then covered in silver nitrate. The plate must then be loaded into a special camera in a darkroom, after which it’s ready for exposure.
Tin Type
Shadow series of 4
I feel as we as individuals have all been separating towards one another. We let our race, country, or culture make us believe that there is a difference between the human race. This is a poster to everyone around the world to stand against hate, racism, and whatever is dividing us. The more we divide the more chaos we bring upon one another and the world falls apart. Just because we are from different places with different appearances with different ways of thinking does not mean we are different. We should all accept our differences and we realize that we are all one together. Ignite our souls not our bodies for we are one.
Wassily Kandansky
This is my favorite art work from Wassily Kandansky. I feel like his work is very creative. It seems like his art work is filled with lots of imagination. It is like the placement in his art is random and all over the place. Somehow it is able to combine into something new.
Seductive Ambiance
Sandy Skoglund
Oil Painting
Emotion series
Public and Private Self Portrait
Pop Art
Man and Nature
Me and Myself
Abstract photography
Graduation Poster
Advertising Photo
Botanic Lay Flat Series
Little People/ Big World